Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

25th Wedding Anniversary

Gifts don’t always come in pretty packages. People somethings give other things besides flowers, candies, or jewelry. A vacation  or a dinner at a restaurant is also a special gift. A poem, a song is also a great idea for a gift. Me and my sister have stayed in our room all morning. We are busy preparing presents for our parents’ 25th wedding anniversary.
                My sister bought a tie with a unique design. It has pink elephants on it. It goes well with her father’s blue shirt. We bought special paper to wrap the gift. I will give my mother a beautiful bouquet. I arranged the flowers my self. I added pink ribbon to it. It looks very pretty. And our parents' wedding anniversary celebration will end with a romantic dinner is prepared by us. Exactly, they will seen as the young couple is so perfect. I'm happy if it isn't in vain.
                Hopefully the surprise will make our parents happy. They will say, "This is a pleasant surprise! Thank you dear." Oh my God I hope that. We bought the two gifts with our own pocket money, to show how much we love our parents. Because they are the best parents whom we have. They always be a role model for our lives.

Vocabulary :
  1. Wrap          : as verb, to cover sth completely in paper or other material, for example when you are giving it                        as a present.
  2. Bouquet      : noun, a bunch of flowers.
  3. Ribbon        : noun, a long narrow strip of material used in decorating clothes, trying hair etc.
  4. Vain           : adjective, that doesn't produce the result you want.
  5. Role model : noun, a person that you admire and try to copy.

2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Wish the best for them Dev. :)

pupucholet mengatakan...

hmm,,,anyway thanks beibh...
hopefully they always get the happiness...amin

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